Sworders Sponsors 2022 Excellence of Youth Exhibition

Sworders Sponsors 2022 Excellence of Youth Exhibition

Sworders are delighted to sponsor the 2022 Excellence of Youth, a fundraising art exhibition and unique platform for artists under the age of 30.

26 September 2022

The Excellence of Youth (EOY) exhibition was originally organised in order to thank a handful of talented young artists who very generously donated original artworks for auction at the Magic Bus Gala Dinner, held annually at The Dorchester Hotel, the funds benefitting Indian children in education and sports problems. Since then, EOY has welcomed many new young artists wishing to ‘give back’ to great EOY causes.

The Exhibition was founded by Jane Clark, who has a long history of fundraising and supporting young artists. Since 2012, each EOY exhibition has been run as a joint venture between Jane and Dona de Winton (Drey Contemporary).

Self Portrait by Ruth Meynell

Self portait by Ruth Meynell

The team pour their collective experience, connections, enthusiasm and support into giving young artists the confidence to exhibit and to learn useful skills, with every member passionate about art and philanthropy.

Throughout the years, young artists have gone on to win national awards, exhibit at The Royal Academy, have work bought and displayed in public areas by District Councils and receive commissions. Manasi Depala has recently won an award at the Goldsmiths show, whilst Jacob Chandler has been commissioned by many towns and cities and produced a statue for the Commonwealth games in Birmingham.The EOY team are delighted to see many exhibitors are now full time artists and exhibit throughout the world.

This year, the exhibition are delighted to award one of their young artists with the Matthew Clark Award, helping an artist in the early stages of their career with a cash prize.

Painting by Henry McAlpine

Painting by Henry McAlpine

Exhibiting artists this year include Kit Agnew, Harriet Gillett, Aubrey Higgin, Fred Gordon, Freya Gibbs, Gabi Hill, Georgie Mason, Georgina Vestey, Jacob Chandler, Manasi Depala, Rose Vestey, Serena Rawlings, Jordan Britt, Emily Rogers, Henry McAlpine, Harry Cartwright and Ruth Meynell.

Sculpture by by Aubrey Higgin

Sculpture by Aubrey Higgin


To browse the works of art and find out more about the exhibiting artists, view the exhibition catalogue here.

Private View & Charity Fundraiser on Friday 14 October at 6pm 

Raising money in support of the Arthur Rank Hospice and Children with Cancer (UK)

VIP Tickets £25


Public exhibition at Quy Mill Hotel, Church Road, Stow-cum-Quy, Cambridge, CB25 9AF on the following dates and times

Saturday 15 October | 10am - 6pm

Sunday 16 October | 10am - 4pm

Entry £5.00


All ticket proceeds going to charity. 

For further information about the exhibition please contact

davidona@excellence-of-youth.org | dreycontemporary@gmail.com  | 07801292516





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